5 Simple Ways To Identify A Fake Medical Laboratory Scientist

In this blog post, I am going to show you simple ways you can identify a non-Medical Laboratory Scientist who is perhaps parading his/herself as a Medical Laboratory Scientist.

There are many fake Medical Laboratory Scientists out there doing their stock-in-trade freely maybe because it is quite difficult to fish them out at first sight.

So here are few questions you can ask to truely gauge and know who the true Medical Laboratory Scientist is.

1. Ask him/her of his/her 'RA' Number: 

 A fake Medical Laboratory Scientist does not know the full meaning of 'RA' let alone have a RA number.

 Ask whether he/she does have a RA number and the impersonator will fumble betterstill be dumbfounded.

2. Ask if he/she has a practicing licence.

Medical Lab. Scientists are licensed set of professionals as is the case with pharmacists, radiographers, optometrists etc.

In order to practice,  Medical Lab. Scientists are required to secure a practicing licence which is renewable every year, from the council regulating the profession.

Anyone who claims to be a Medical Laboratory Scientist but can not produce his/her annual practicing licence or the equivalents in the form of receipts when asked is simply a non-medical laboratory Scientist masquerading his/herself as a Medical Laboratory Scientist.

3. Ask him/her the meanings of AMLSN and MLSCN

These acronyms are as simple as ABC but I tell you, someone who is neither a scientist, technician nor an assistant will fail big time when asked. These acronyms are part and parcel of those simple methods you can use to differentiate a medical Laboratory Scientists from an imposter.

I don't see any reason why a practicing medical laboratory scientist will not know the full meaning of AMLSN and MLSCN when asked because these are the same acronyms he/she uses, sees and comes across every passing day.

If you meet a supposed Medical Laboratory Scientist who find it difficult to supply you answers to the full meaning of those acronyms then know that you are dealing with someone claiming to be what he/she is not.

4. Ask him/her who is the registrar/CEO, MLSCN.

This is one of the questions I'm using to screen medical laboratory scientists from non medical laboratory scientist at a closed facebook group (Medical Lab. Jobs & Opportunity) that I manage.

The facebook group is adjusted to a way that each time one requests to join, the group automatically pops up the question--'what is the name of the registrar of MLSCN ?

I tell you, many who are non professionals are unable to answer this question correctly and that's how I ignore or delete their requests.

I believe  a medical lab technician or scientist as the case maybe, will know the name of the Registrar/CEO of the body regulating her/his profession.

 No excuse in any form is worth accepting from anyone who parades his/her self as a  Medical Laboratory Scientist but doesn't know the name of the registrar/CEO of MLSCN. Such a person should be first considered a fake Medical Laboratory Scientist before anything.

5. Ask him/her of Silverton/Baker, Monica Cheesbrough and Ochei.

These are authors that the mere mention of their names resonate in the mind of the medical laboratory  professionals because of the huge contributions they have made to the profession's body of knowledge in Nigeria and world over.

These authors wrote books that are used in the training of Medical Laboratory Scientists etc. Every Medical Laboratory Scientist must have come across these books in one way or the other.

Anyone who does not have the faintest idea about the above authors should be treated as non-medical laboratory scientist claiming to be a medical laboratory scientist. Such a person should be discountenance.

Tell us what other ways again can one use to identify a fake medical laboratory scientist, use the comment box below.

Thank you for reading!!

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